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How to: Stay Consistent

Endur365 Month 1 Update

The first month of Endur365 is complete! 🙌

I've never run 31 miles in one year before. Honestly, I think I maybe once ran 10 miles all year a couple of years back, but that's a guess.

I am so proud of myself for getting this far, but I'm not done yet!

334 miles left 😅

It's easy to focus on the number of miles's over 300 still!

But nothing is built in a day. I keep reminding myself that this is a year-long challenge. It's all about one mile at a time (and occasionally two).

How are your goals going for 2023? Are you celebrating your progress right now? Or are you needing some extra help in working on your goals?

Here are 5 tips on how I stay consistent in Endur365 and the goals that I set!

How I stay consistent in Endur365:

1. I know my reason why

Before you start anything it's crucial to know why you are doing the thing.

If you can't think of a single reason why you are doing's time to go back to the drawing board!

For example, I put my dishes in the dishwasher after I use them.


Because I don't want to deal with a sink full of dishes. Because one dish is much more manageable than waiting until the end of the day. Because I like having a clean and neat kitchen.

Plug in whatever you are working on and make sure you can list some reasons why!

2. I choose to do this challenge

No one is forcing me to do this challenge. I created this challenge for myself and for others to show ourselves that we can do hard things.

I honor the commitments I make to myself.

If I tell myself something...I'm going to do it.

Just like if I tell anyone else that I'm going to do something, I'll get it done.

It took me a while to get to this point. I had to start small, but eventually, I was able to build up trust in myself. I've shown myself that I am just as important as anyone else I know.

3. I make a plan

I've never been one to wing things, but I know that if I don't make a plan on when I'm going to's not happening.

This week I actually planned out where I'm going to run each day and it's made it so much simpler!

If you are trying to add something that doesn't come naturally to you, it's so important to make a plan for when you're going to do the thing.

Make it easy for yourself to do the thing!

4. I tell people what I'm doing

I've told people personally about this challenge, but I also share about it on social media!

I have accountability with people other than myself.

One of my greatest fears (and most people's I think) is failing in front of people. My brain wants to protect me from getting hurt.

But since I've shared the challenge with so many people, not getting my run means that other people will know that I didn't do the thing.

I'm all about using my brain's irrational fears to do the things I want to do.

Another piece of that is imagining what it will look like once I hit 365 miles and how amazing I'm going to feel.

5. I take it day by day

I'm not looking at the total number of miles left. I know I said it at the beginning of this post, but I had to calculate it just now in order to write this.

Looking at the big picture makes it very easy to get overwhelmed. When you stand at the base of a mountain, it's hard to imagine climbing to the top.

But once you break it down into smaller's so much easier to take the first step.

If you are always thinking about how far away your goal are never going to start.

Instead, break it up and take it one day at a time.

Because you can do it. You just have to put in a little bit of work to make it less scary to start. It's always going to be slightly's new! But you got this.

What about you?

If you set any goals at the beginning of the year, it's time to reflect on how it's going!

Has there been any progress made? If so, be sure to celebrate your progress! Then keep pushing!

If there's been no progress made - it's time to look at the 5 tips I gave and see what's missing.

Add it in and adjust your goal.

You can change your life and do the thing.

Remember it takes work, but you are worth it.

Which step did you need to hear? Let me know below!

You got this!

Shaina Joyce


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